Friday, July 2, 2010

faith won't fail - damsel monologue

'mumma. i lost my eyes.' i woke up at the middle of the night and yelled scared of the second retina detachment surgery scheduled for the next day. it was exactly a year ago. there i lay lamenting! time has elapased but it had nothing to bequeath me! much has cropped up since then but me and my eyes still same! alone here and praying for the same eye! oh heaven! lay your empathy on this tiny creature! shower all your uncanny grace for those ppl who love me dearly if not only for me! tell me my faith isn't false, whisper in my ears my conviction will be paid! for the faith itself and for the matter to convince the world that faith does exist! that faith is to see the unseen, hear the unheard and touch the untouched like i am doing now. i went throgh 5 major surgeries for the same eye. each had some lesson to teach me. coming to this point i have learnt enough that no reason on the earth would suffice this yet another litmus test!

i went full in tears. i panicked, i fret and here i expressed myself in whatever crazy ways i could. the pessimistic voice of doctor strikes to my ear and right there at somewhere i can hear a faint voice cheering me up. no sooner i started gazing at his petrified face i could witness those lines crumbling in timidity, slowly fading away and finally landing up as good omens. smiling at me and saying 'hey, these all are too ephemeral, you gotta win....' Nay! i can read optimism unleashed in between those petrified lines!

oh heaven! pull your socks up and brace yourself to wring my heart, there you can't. faiths are aplomb. hopes are impregnable. See how your efforts wil be watered away! Wanna try still more?