Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ratko Mladic gets arrested

Well its been ages I haven't really posted any in blog! Let me paper down some lines now!

Almost 16 years after his indictment for genocide, crimes against humanity and other war crimes, Rarko Mladic has eventually been arrested! The man who epitomized the slaughter of Muslims and Croats in the Serb campaign of ethnic cleansing and who for the reason had been perceived as a major obstacle in the West-Serb relation.

The arrest so far has been heralded as one of the great success in the international justice and rule of law. And the extradition to The Hague Tribunal on the other lends a big boost to International Criminal Court which to date has existed more in words than in deeds.

The inadequate support from the security council and the paranoia of the big countries has stunted the growth of international criminal court. Mention not about Africa which understandably took the longest time even to listen to the concept of international criminal court! Nearly 12 years have elapsed but evidently, ICC is languished in its infancy. Partly, it has also to do with the internal conflicts on 'power-sharing' and partly, with the clumsy leadership of the chief prosecutors. When the doctrine of R2P led the UN to push Gaddafi to ICC, it is still awaiting the ultimate decision. Well, ICC lacks the authority in this regard who to keep in trial. And like always, chances are enough the deadlock in 5 veto power can render the ICC absolutely inert.

International justice is largely 'political' more than justice itself!

Against this backdrop, Serbia's preparation to extradite Ratko Mladic and hand over to ICC is a great news to welcome! The impunity would lose its grips in the international system, what more would we seek!

As for Serbia, this could prove to be one significant step, in winning the confidence, speculation say, for EU membership as well. It will certainly open the doors for political engagement in Serbia.


  1. I don't know about politics. But then, this will happen for sure that it will open a wide way for the better Economic Development.

  2. hahhaah thats fun dai...u go on development finance and i will march towards IR...we will make a good combo then - politics and economics when joined together, what else is left? -

  3. left??? may be your old and most advocated aspect- GENDER

  4. hahaha u also know that? But did i ever stand a chance to converse with u on that topic? R u sure? But yes, I love Doll's house as a drama and Nora, is one of the most passionate protagonist/characters ever...hahhah

  5. I didn't know abt this person, later I googled him when u recommended it to read. Ok, that might be a landmark in justice.
    I particularly liked ur line that "International justice is largely 'political' more than justice itself! ".
    Go on writing! Best wishes!!
